Board of Trustees

Te Kowhai Ohia
I am privileged to walk in the footsteps of many before me to serve our iwi as a trustee of the Te Ātiawa o te Waka a Māui Trust.
I acknowledge the hard work of those who negotiated our Treaty settlement, and my aim is to honour their legacy and contribute to bringing the dreams and aspirations of our people to fruition.
Raised in Waikawa under the manaakitanga of our Nanny and Papa, our parents, and many Aunties, Uncles, and cousins, I am committed to serving our people and kaupapa that make valuable, positive, and life-long contributions. While I bring experience, knowledge, skills, and networks to this space, much more can be achieved through our collective efforts as Trustees and iwi members to advance the aspirations we have for our iwi now and in the future.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Te Kowhai