Board of Trustees

Glenice Paine
Ko Piripiri te maunga
Ko Waitohi te awa
Ko Waikawa te marae
Ko Te Ātiawa te iwi
Ko Glenice Paine taku ingoa.
I was born and bred in Waikawa and along with my whānau, I have lived and worked in Te Tauihu and throughout Aotearoa. I am a descendant of Katarina Hikimapu and William Keenan and I have whakapapa links with most of the whānau in Waikawa and Picton.
I have been involved with governance and decision-making over many years now. I am a practicing Deputy Commissioner of the Environment Court, and an accredited mediator. I have previous experience as Director on the GPL Board of Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency for the South Island, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu. In that role I gained an acute awareness of many of the challenges facing our whanau and have been involved in key decisions in addressing those obstacles.
I am Co-Chair of Mana Rangatira (Governance Group) of the National Science Challenge - Biological Heritage. I am also Co-Chair of the Knowledge Advisory Group (KAG) addressing Kauri Dieback and Myrtle Rust threats to our taonga. I recently completed three terms on the Nelson City Council Environment and Climate Change Committee.
I had the great honour of being a signatory to our Treaty of Waitangi settlement, and the aquaculture settlement that followed and with that comes a thorough awareness of the significance of those settlements and the role they play in our tribal past and future.
I am committed to continuing to serve my iwi and mihi to whānau for their support.