Board of Trustees

Tony Love
Ka pai au e noho i runga i tēku waka kia te manawanui, tēnā koutou katoa.
Ko Piripiri te maunga
Ko Waitohi te awa
Ko Te Ātiawa te iwi
Ko Waikawa te marae
Ko Arapaoa te moutere tapu
Ko Hamarama Tanerau-Love (Lambie) raua ko Vera Hurimoni Tanerau-Love oku tūpuna
Ko Tony Rama Tanerau-Love ahau
I was born in Whanganui in 1974 and was raised by my grandmother, Vera Hurimoni Tanerau-Love, formerly Vera Hurimoni Arthur of Rātana Pā/Waikawa Pā (Bay). My Koro is Hamarama Tanerau-Love (Lambie), he was the eldest son of the Keni Hector line (Utiku).
I am a husband, father, and grandfather. From the age of 22, my wife Kara and I developed a successful labour contracting business, operating out of Marlborough. During those years we also owned and operated two hospitality businesses. More recently we developed a small artisan beekeeping and honey packing business. These days I am Group Manager at Williams Trellis, which manufactures and supplies products nationwide. I oversee a great team at two separate manufacturing facilities – one in Blenheim and the other in Putāruru in Waikato.
It is my honour to serve my iwi as a member of Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Trust. I am always willing to listen and work hard, my primary focus is to ensure the financial longevity of our people.